How do I set Excel cell format to "Text" from VB.NET?



I'm looking for a code that I could use to format an excel cell dynamically
for an card account number field type with more than 15 digits.

Here is the scenario.

Column name: Card Account
Card account number: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I cannot format the cells as number so I have to format as text. However,
when I run the process with the VBA code that I have telling to format as
text (@) it gives me this result in scientific notation because of the
length, I think.
Here is the VBA .NET code:
Select Case sFieldType
Case "Text"
objWorksheet.Range(objWorksheet.Cells(2, i + 1),
objWorksheet.Cells(CStr(mlRecordCount), i + 1)).NumberFormat = "@"

I just need to display the acc. number as is...can someone please help me!
I gladly appreciatted,
Marlei Taylor


The only way to solve this is ensure the cell is formatted as text
BEFORE entering a value i.e. the card number has to treated as a string not a

Search NG on "ccard 6 or 16 digits" for previous correspondence (I don't
know how you reference a previous posting more directly!).



Alternatively you can try the following (copied and pasted from a
previous posting with exactly the same subject by someone else):

<A simple way to force Excel to accept anything as text is to prepend an
apostrophe to the text.

e.g. to write an integer 123 as 00000123 just write:
ActiveCell = "'" & Format(123, "00000000")

Note that this cell is now definitively text - this precludes the use of
formulae such as SUM on these cells, or further number formatting. If
this is an issue consider setting the numberformat as described in other



Sorry, I accidently placed the other post. I'm a newbie here. Thank you...
this helped a bunch!


You're welcome.

Note, you can check the status of a cell using .PrefixCharacter

e.g. debug.print ActiveCell.PrefixCharacter (check it out in help)

It's ReadOnly so you don't write to it but you may find it useful

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