How do I set frames up so it is on every page exept the index & ma



I am setting up frames for my site using Frontpage 2002. I want the frames
to show on every page except the index page and the main page. But what
happens is, from the home page I click on the link to page A, the
navagational frame appears on the left and page A on the right. But when I
click on the link (found in the left hand navagational frame) for page B,
page B opens on right and there are now two identical navigational frames on
left. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

Lloyd Codrington

You should check out something called Cascading Style Sheets. They are like
a template. A simple way to do it is to start from scratch and once you have
done the first page and before you start to enter and other code clone the
page and then rename. Not an expert but I think this might help. Let me
know how you get on.

Trevor L.

I don't know if what I do is what you want

My index.html is
<frameset rows ="75,*">
<frame src="heading.html" scrolling="no">
<frameset cols="152,*">
<frame src="sidebar.html">
<frame src="index_main.html" name="index_main">

heading.html is a 100% width page, several rows deep (75 rows in this case)

sidebar.html is a long narrow page, several columns wide (152 columns in
this case).
This is it:
<td><b>Internal Links</b></td>

<a href="index_main.html" target="index_main">

<a href="about.html" target="index_main">

Index_main.html, about.html, etc contain your main content

As a result, each of the frames is loaded into index_main. The side bar
remains visible with links to any other page.

This means dicing the navigational links and doing everything in HTML code,
but when you've done it once it gets simpler (well it did for me)
Trevor L.

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