In your inbox there are headings 'To' 'Subject' 'Received' etc
Right click on one of these headings, then click on Field chooser, then
select 'All mail fields' from the dropdown box, then scroll down and look for
'From', then drag 'From' over and onto you Inbox headings where you want it
to go.
Are you speaking of what yuo see in the From field? That is controlled by
the sender. There is no setting you as recipient can use to control the
contents of the From field.
Thanks for answering Brian. The anser I got from Richard was what I was
looking for. I just wanted to see the originating mail box if the sender had
one listed... I typically do not look at mail from senders that I do not
recognize and spmehow I had lost that viewing option on my inbox list. Thaks
again for taking th etime to reply.
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