How do I set new tabs for new templates in Word?


Master Converter

I am designing templates for my office which has several branches. I am
wondering how to set new tabs for these templates so that (in Word '03) when
you select "file" and then choose "new" and the templates list is displayed,
you can select your branch-specific templates. All templates must be
available for everyone, but it would be helpful to be able to divide them up.
We are actually finally converting from Lotus to MS, and a lot of the staff
is used to the SmartMaster set-up. I've tried adding new folders on the
C:/Program Files/Office/Word/Templates, but that doesn't produce a tab.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

A tab is created when you (1) create a subfolder of your templates folder
and (2) put at least one template in it.

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