How do I set up a consistent wrapping style for pictures



In Word the canvas gets pushed beyond the top margin or sometimesgets hidden
under the text. Setting up "top and bottom" as the default wrapping style
under the options menu does not help! It is such a pain that for every
drawing one has to go to the formatting menu - layout - advanced to change
the settings. Could some one tell me the most effective and consistent way to
ensure that drawing objects / canvas gets positioned right where I want it?

Cindy M.

Hi =?Utf-8?B?R3Jvb3Rz?=,
In Word the canvas gets pushed beyond the top margin or sometimesgets hidden
under the text. Setting up "top and bottom" as the default wrapping style
under the options menu does not help! It is such a pain that for every
drawing one has to go to the formatting menu - layout - advanced to change
the settings. Could some one tell me the most effective and consistent way to
ensure that drawing objects / canvas gets positioned right where I want it?
Use a macro to insert the object and apply the required formatting...

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 17 2005)

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