If you really want a counter, you have to ensure iterations is checked (menu
Tools|Options|Calculation tab), because of a circular reference. You should
also change the value in max iterations to 1, or it will 'jump' 100(or
whatever the value is). You should also want a 'reset' to reset your count as
needed. Say A1 is your counter, and B1 is your reset.
A1: =IF(B1=1,resetvalue,A1+1)
B1: 0 or 1 (or you could even tie it in if you like to the value of A1
B1: =IF(A1>=100,1,0)
NOTE: Calculations take place in a specific order row 1, A thru IV, then row
2, etc...
This is important.
say A1=99
you press F9
A1 calculates first to go to 100, then B1 evaluates, and changes to 1, since
A1 is no longer less than 100, but A1, until the F9 is pressed, remains at
100 because it already calculated.