Hi Lady
i am a professional dancer looking to build a CV but i am not clear on how to
set up a resume/CV?
If anyone can help me please! on what information i need to include! i have
all the relevant qualifications but not sure how to lay it out on paper!
This is often done with a tabular setup (smaller left column for titles,
single- or multi-line entries in the wider right column). Look at a
couple of CVs online and get an idea of what you want, maybe even start
with pen and paper. You are an artist, and when you apply for such jobs,
thinking about how "art" should be reflected not only by the content,
but also by the form of your CV, is a good idea, too.
As a professional, you have to estimat what your time is worth. If you
have a couple of days worth investing, and you want a professional
looking CV -- then you either learn to use Word to do that (take a good
course, you can put that into your CV, too, if you like

), or some
other application you know better, or find someone who can do it
professionally (and pay a bit for it).
If you have a specific problem while layoutting in Word, we're all ears.