how do i set up a film strip in Frontpage?



I'd like to set up a filmstrip of images that the user can move through at
the bottom of the web page. Also, by hovering over each picture a large
version of the image appears above the filmstrip. By clicking on the image
will a new page dedicated to that image appears. Can this be done in
Frontpage? And if so, how?

Trevor Lawrence

Yes, it can be done using JavaScript.

<img ........... onmouseover="showlarger()" onclick="new page()"...>

The function showlarger() would display the image in another <div> on the
same page
The function newpage() would open another page which displays the image

Do you need help to write the JS?


Thanks Trevor. Yes, an example would help a great deal. I've made thumbnails
of the images. But, after adding the following code for the mouseover part,
the result was an error message that says the "image_02 is undefined":

<img border="0" src="images/image_01.jpg" width="45" height="67"
onmouseover="showlarger(images/image_02.jpg)" width="250" height="373"></td>

I'd like the larger image to appear centered on the page, either just above
or below the row of thumbnails. This is the <div>? How do I define that in
the code? Does the onclick portion that opens the new page go right after
this, on the same line?

Much thanks, Bob

Trevor Lawrence


IWGBTY (I will get back to you )

I have to go out now, but I should have time later

Trevor Lawrence


Below is some code which I found. It uses two FP functions which may be a
bit of overkill, but seems to test for features used by different browsers.
FP_setLayerText() replaces my showlarger(). I did not write function
newpage() because <a href="" > does this.

The mouseover behaviour is controlled by onmouseover= onmouseout=. The
onclick action to open a new page is controlled by <a href="..." >. If you
want centring on this page, you would have to open the same page every time
and add the image into it as centred which requires extra JS

It uses absolute positioning of the <div>s which is clearly set out in the
code and can be altered to suit. I have altered the <div> size to suit image
size. The horizontal positioning is set:as 30% but could be set to px.

I used some test files 1.jpg , 2.jpg , 3.jpg of dimension 386*386 on the
folder "images" and thumbnails of the same name of dimension 65*65 on the
folder "images/thumbnails"

Code follows


<meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en-us">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
<title>Slideshow Demo</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
function FP_setLayerText(id,txt) {
var el = FP_getObjectByID(id);
if(el.innerHTML) { el.innerHTML = txt; }

function FP_getObjectByID(id,o) {
var c, el, els, f, m, n;
if(!o) { o = document; }
if(o.getElementById) { el = o.getElementById(id); }
else if(o.layers) { c = o.layers; }
else if(o.all) { el = o.all[id]; }
if(el) { return el; }
if( || { return o; }
if(o.childNodes) { c = o.childNodes; }
if(c) {
for(n = 0; n < c.length; n++)
{ el = FP_getObjectByID(id,c[n]);
if(el) { return el;} } }
f = o.forms;
if(f) {
for(n = 0; n < f.length; n++)
{ els = f[n].elements
for(m = 0; m < els.length; m++)
{ el = FP_getObjectByID(id,els[n])
if(el) { return el; } } } }
return null;


<div id="layer1"
style="position: absolute; width: 420px; height: 420px;
z-index: 1; left: 30%; top: 30px;
font-family: trebuchet,verdana,arial,sans-serif;
font-size: 14px; font-color: black; background: #FFC;
border: 2px green inset; padding: 15px;">
Watch this space

<div id="layer2"
style="position: absolute; width: 420px; height: 50px;
z-index: 1; left: 30%; top: 450px;
font-family: trebuchet,verdana,arial,sans-serif;
font-size: 14px; font-color: black; background: #FFC;
border: 2px green inset; padding: 5px;">

<!-- <a > tags were onclick= -->
<a href="images/1.jpg"
'&lt;img src = &quot;images/1.jpg&quot;&gt;')"
onmouseout="FP_setLayerText('layer1','Watch this space')">
<img src="images/thumbnails/1.jpg" alt="" height= "50px"></a>
<a href="images/2.jpg" onmouseover="FP_setLayerText('layer1',
'&lt;img src = &quot;images/2.jpg&quot;&gt;')"
onmouseout="FP_setLayerText('layer1','Watch this space')">
<img src="images/thumbnails/2.jpg" alt="" height= "50px"></a>
<a href="images/3.jpg"
'&lt;img src = &quot;images/3.jpg&quot;&gt;')"
onmouseout="FP_setLayerText('layer1','Watch this space')">
<img src="images/thumbnails/3.jpg" alt="" height= "50px"></a>



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