how do i set up a spreadsheet for my bills?



I want to make a list of all of the people I owe ,the account number,the
amount,and the date of the invoice.I also want to be able to subtract the
payments as I pay each debtor off.Basically organizing my bills.I will be
using Microsoft Office to set this up if possible.


That would depend on how you wish to set it up... one worksheet per debt...

Col A Col B Col C Col D Col E
1 1st mort. Acct# Date Due $ Due Bal.
2 $160,000.00
3 9/1/07 $750.00 =E2-D3
4 10/1/07 $750.00 =E3-D4

or all on the one worksheet... and that one is a bit over my head...

I want to make a list of all of the people I owe ,the account number,the
amount,and the date of the invoice.I also want to be able to subtract the
payments as I pay each debtor off.Basically organizing my bills.I will be
using Microsoft Office to set this up if possible.

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