How do I set up a table title so that across pages it adds "cont'd



I have a table that rolls across multiple pages. I would like to show a table
title (like 3.5.3 Measurement Results) that indicates, on the subsequent
pages, that the table is a continuation, not the first page of the table.
I tried putting the title in a row that merged all the columns above the
Heading row. But the table title looks the same on each page. There is no way
to determine that the table started on a different page.
The first idea I had was to force an appended word after the table title as
it rolls on subsequent pages (like "cont'd") which is what Framemaker does.
But I would be open to any way that Word lets you indicate a continuation of
a table from page to page.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

There is a way to do this. It's a workaround and requires some fiddling, but
it can be done. Create your heading with "continued" appended. Then, on the
first page of the table, draw a text box or AutoShape (no line, white fill)
to cover the "continued" notice. Anchor this AutoShape to a paragraph in the
first non-heading row so that it will not repeat.


That's a cool idea but I think it doesn't do exactly what I want. I actually
want the "cont'd" to repeat and not show up in the first heading. This
workaround seems like the "cont'd" word won't show up on the first page
(because it has a text box covering it) and it also won't show up on
subsequent pages because it's anchored to a non-heading row. Am I
understanding this right?

Charles Kenyon

The "cont'd" is in the heading row and repeats on every page. The blocking
text box is only on the first page.
Charles Kenyon

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I get it now. Thanks. But I'm having trouble figuring out how to anchor my
text box to a paragraph in the first non-heading row so that it won't repeat.
The only way MS describes to anchor has to do with the "Picture Position".
But when I try to set that position to the first row, the text box moves and
doesn't serve the purpose of covering up the original "Cont'd".

I go to Format->Text Box, then select Layout, Advanced. I've tried every
option but can't figure out how to anchor elsewhere than the actual heading

What am I missing?


Suzanne S. Barnhill

If you create the text box with the insertion point in the first non-heading
row, it should be automatically anchored to that paragraph.


Thanks! It worked when, before I moved the text box over the heading, I set
the Picture Position Options to include "Lock anchor". I really appreciate
the help!

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