How do I set up a text email newsletter in Outlook 2003?


Bob 9908

I want to send out weekly newsletters to opt in users, how can one do this
with Outlook 2003?

Note: I store the subscribers email addresses in MySQL 4.0, I can access
this data via ODBC System DSN I made for the table that contains this

Is it possible via VBA or a COM add-on to detect if the email bounced back,
so I can update the database record to mark it for opt-out status?

I know that I could buy an expensive program like Mailloop 7 to do this, but
I haven’t made money online yet so I am hoping I can get by with Outlook 2003
or configure sendmail to do this if my hosting service allows for it.

Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

You can probably also find less expensive programs to do it. There is nothing in Outlook to check for bounces, which can occur in so many different formats that writing an add-in to handle them would be a pain. (I tried and gave up a few years ago.) You might want to take a look at the tools at

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

and Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers

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