Tables, please - not Table!
My only knowledge of cars is that some have 4 wheels but I can tell you that
at the least, you will need.
MkID (Autonumber, Primary Key)
VMake (eg Ford, Vauxhall)
ModID (Autonumber, Primary Key)
MkID (linked from TblMake)
VModel (eg Corsair, Capri)
VehID (Autonumber, Primary Key)
ModID (linked from TblMakeModel)
RegPlate (I'm not making this the Primary Key field because it can change)
PurchaseDate or whatever car people need to know
Other stuff that only applies to that particular vehicle
ProID (Autonumber, Primary Key)
VProceed (oil change, Reg renewal, mileage reading - list of all the things
you might want to do to any vehicle)
Frequ (possibly) ie how often this check or procedure needs to be carried
out on any vehicle in days
TblVehicleMaintance Things to do with a particular procedure being carried
out on a particular vehicle.
VehMainID ((Autonumber, Primary Key)
VehID (link from TblVehicle)
ProID (link from TblProcedure
ProDate (the date this check was carried out on that vehicle
Other fields as appropriate
Mileage (mileage reading as a number)
FuelAmt (amount of fuel bought litres)
ProcCost (cost of the procedure
lots of other fields possible.
Other tables may also be needed - the car people here and you yourself can
suggest stuff when you see how things are grouped together - Possibles might
be a parts table, containing stuff like Tyres, Exhaust which may also be
linked to the VehicleMaintnenance table? I'm not sure about that.
From the data in this you can work out - using queries - not the tables, how
many miles to the hour any one vehicle has done, when it is next due to
require a procedure
You can do a Google to see if there is a free or shareware example of the
same thing, otherwise, you're in the right place for starting.your own.
Get that database design right though. It will be well worth doing that
otherwise you are building your house on the sand., And forget all about
putting stuff into a table like you did with Excel.
You will use a nice form with combo boxes and like it!