How do I set up an customer/address database



I used Excel to do this, but I need to be able to put the customers in
alphabetical order. I set it up by columns, so I don't think I did it
correctly. If I try to put customers in alphabetical order, that's the only
column that will change and they end up with the wrong address.

Thanks, pep


Hi Pep,

First, you are in the Access Forum not Excel. Second, to answer you question
you need to highlight the entire Name column so put your mouse over the "A"
(if your name column is A) and your pointer should turn to a black arrow
pointing down. Now left click and the whole column should highlight. Next, go
to your toolbar and select the sort button AZ with the arrow pointing down.
When you click this, it will ask you if you want to expand your sort and
click "Yes". Expanding the sort is saying when you sort your highlighted
column, do you want the rest of your columns to follow with it. Saying yes,
keep all the information together.

Hope this helps!!

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