How do I set up an "or" clause?



I remember this was possible on Windows Mail. When I set up a rule I can
choose different conditions for it, such as, "if message was sent to an
certain e-mail", "if message contains certain words in the subject", "if
message contains certain words in the body", etc.

I would like to know if there is a way to choose diferent conditions on
Outlook 2007 and set up an "or" clause between them, for example, "if message
was sent to a certain e-mail" or "message contains certain words in the
subject". I've noticed that if I choose different conditions Outlook will
apply them with an "and" clause, that is, the message has to meet *both*
conditions for the rule to be applied, I would like the message to meet
*either* conditions.

On Windows Mail the "and" word in the rule description was blue underlined,
meaning that I could click on it and change to "or". Is it possible on
Outlook 2007 too?

Thank you.



And set them to stop applying rules if that one was applied. Otherwise,
Outlook will create two or more copies of the same mail if two or more rules
are applied.

Not the best solution.

Thank you Roady.


Roady said:
You'll need to create multiple rules for that.

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]
Coauthor, Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003


Andre said:
I remember this was possible on Windows Mail. When I set up a rule I can
choose different conditions for it, such as, "if message was sent to an
certain e-mail", "if message contains certain words in the subject", "if
message contains certain words in the body", etc.

I would like to know if there is a way to choose diferent conditions on
Outlook 2007 and set up an "or" clause between them, for example, "if
was sent to a certain e-mail" or "message contains certain words in the
subject". I've noticed that if I choose different conditions Outlook will
apply them with an "and" clause, that is, the message has to meet *both*
conditions for the rule to be applied, I would like the message to meet
*either* conditions.

On Windows Mail the "and" word in the rule description was blue
meaning that I could click on it and change to "or". Is it possible on
Outlook 2007 too?

Thank you.


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