Dirk Dewachter
Hi All,
I am not a statistician but I need to track and compare the performance of
my employees to the team averages. Below is the worksheet that I will be
using to extract the data. For example two employees work as a team
throughout their shift and they can be paired up with different people
throughout the week. I enter their data on a spreadsheet and in the end I
can add up all the columns and figure out what each team does on average.
In order to extract each individual's performance I want to compare each
individual's data to the average of the teams.
What I am trying to accomplish is add up all the data by header for each of
the employees regardless who they are working with. For example in this
datasheet I want to look up what Employee #255 did during his two shfts (one
with #165 and one with #495) and divide by the number of shifts employee
#255 worked. I can then compare his or her performance to the average for
I believe that I may have to break this data extraction up in a few formulas
but is there anybody that could direct me or help me with this project?
Thanks in advance
EMPLOYEE#1 EMPLOYEE#2 Service Calls Time on Calls Out of Service
Time/OOS C6 Time/C6 Other Time/Other Idle Time TOTAL SHIFT TIME
05/15/09 255 165 10 6:00 2 0:13 1 0:04 2 4:10 5:05 15:32
05/15/09 643 525 10 2:14 5 1:41 4 0:37 1 4:02 6:58 15:32
05/15/09 750 495 6 10:17 0 0:00 3 1:13 1 4:16 1:30 17:16
05/15/09 362 740 7 2:08 1 0:34 5 1:13 3 4:18 7:20 15:33
05/15/09 980 520 5 1:44 2 1:22 2 0:10 1 4:12 8:12 15:40
05/15/09 157 636 4 1:52 3 0:49 0 0:00 1 0:43 8:14 11:38
05/17/09 495 255 12 8:15 3 0:23 1 0:22 2 0:54 4:00 13:54
05/17/09 165 643 8 4:56 4 2:54 0 0:00 2 0:24 6:43 14:57
05/17/09 520 362 6 2:54 3 1:20 3 0:41 1 1:12 8:12 14:19
05/17/09 636 980 5 3:32 4 1:42 1 0:30 1 0:43 8:14 14:41
I am not a statistician but I need to track and compare the performance of
my employees to the team averages. Below is the worksheet that I will be
using to extract the data. For example two employees work as a team
throughout their shift and they can be paired up with different people
throughout the week. I enter their data on a spreadsheet and in the end I
can add up all the columns and figure out what each team does on average.
In order to extract each individual's performance I want to compare each
individual's data to the average of the teams.
What I am trying to accomplish is add up all the data by header for each of
the employees regardless who they are working with. For example in this
datasheet I want to look up what Employee #255 did during his two shfts (one
with #165 and one with #495) and divide by the number of shifts employee
#255 worked. I can then compare his or her performance to the average for
I believe that I may have to break this data extraction up in a few formulas
but is there anybody that could direct me or help me with this project?
Thanks in advance
EMPLOYEE#1 EMPLOYEE#2 Service Calls Time on Calls Out of Service
Time/OOS C6 Time/C6 Other Time/Other Idle Time TOTAL SHIFT TIME
05/15/09 255 165 10 6:00 2 0:13 1 0:04 2 4:10 5:05 15:32
05/15/09 643 525 10 2:14 5 1:41 4 0:37 1 4:02 6:58 15:32
05/15/09 750 495 6 10:17 0 0:00 3 1:13 1 4:16 1:30 17:16
05/15/09 362 740 7 2:08 1 0:34 5 1:13 3 4:18 7:20 15:33
05/15/09 980 520 5 1:44 2 1:22 2 0:10 1 4:12 8:12 15:40
05/15/09 157 636 4 1:52 3 0:49 0 0:00 1 0:43 8:14 11:38
05/17/09 495 255 12 8:15 3 0:23 1 0:22 2 0:54 4:00 13:54
05/17/09 165 643 8 4:56 4 2:54 0 0:00 2 0:24 6:43 14:57
05/17/09 520 362 6 2:54 3 1:20 3 0:41 1 1:12 8:12 14:19
05/17/09 636 980 5 3:32 4 1:42 1 0:30 1 0:43 8:14 14:41