How do I set-up page transitions in Publisher?


Joanna Kinch

How do I get Cascading Style Sheets in Publisher? How do I set up page
transitions in Publisher such as those one can achieve in Powerpoint, i.e
circle in etc.

David Bartosik [MSFT MVP]

Publisher writes it's own CSS. There is no support for a custom CSS file.
You would need to use a web design tool for that functionality.
You cannot compare a slide show program like PPT to a desktop publishing
program like Publisher. Nor can you compare a slide show runtime executable
file to a web site.
That said, there are some "page" level design options available in the IE
browser (nothing that should be compared to a slide show program) that
provide various "effects". Refer to
Such functionality would be out of Publisher's design scope. You'd want to
move to a web design tool, i.e. FrontPage.

David Bartosik - [MSFT MVP]

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