How do I set up some of my pages to be accessed by members only?



I'm using FrontPage 2000 to do a web site, and I'm trying to set up a
'students only' section where members of my martial arts school can access
some pages that the general public can't access. How do I do that?

I'm also using a Xara Menu Maker to do a drop down navigation menu (a DHTML
menu builder program). Does anyone know how to set the secure pages I want to
do in Navigation menu?

Please e-mail me at (e-mail address removed) as I don't ever come here. Thank you!


Steve Easton

Make the students section a separate folder or subweb and then password protect the folder or subweb

HOW TO: Apply Password Protection to Part of a Web Using FrontPage 2000;en-us;301554

It says FrontPage 2000 but it applies to all versions.

Steve Easton
Microsoft MVP FrontPage
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