How do I set up worksheets to match?



When I select the INSERT WORK SHEET function in a workbook, the 2nd and
subsequent worksheets don't match the first one. I've searched for WORKSHEET
TEMPLATE directions to no avail. of course, it IS a Monday... LOL

What am I missing?

TN X!!!

(e-mail address removed)


When you insert a worksheet you get a new blank worksheet.

If you have a preformatted sheet, right click the sheet tab, select move or copy sheet.
Check the "copy" box and you will get a duplicate sheet.


Gord Dibben

Do you want to have a particular formatted and designed worksheet to be

You can open a new workbook and delete all but one sheet. Customize as
you wish then save this as SHEET.XLT in XLSTART folder. It now becomes
the default Insert>Sheet.

More can be found on this in Help under "templates"(no quotes).

Instructions are for Excel 2003 and earlier.

2007 is similar except you would save as SHEET.xltx

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

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