It seems Ellen's link is broken. To create a filter, you can do it one of
two ways.
Turn on Auto Filter (the funnel next to where is says "All Tasks"). You can
then click on the down arrow next to Finish and select "Greater than or equal
to " and key a date (say Monday of next week). Then select "AND", in the
second box, "Less than or equal to" and specify a date (Friday of next week).
You have filtered to everything that should complete next week.
To make a filter you can use any time... "Project/Filter/More Filters...
In the field name specify "Finish" your tests are same as before. However,
in the Values section type a message something like: "All tasks finishing on
or after (date)..."?
then specify "AND" then the next test is <= your value becomes "And
finishing no later than..."?
It is important to put the phrase in Quotes and make sure you have a
question mark at the end (that tells project to ask you...)
You can name the filter and have it appear in the menu
If this post was helpful, please consider rating it.
Jim Aksel, MVP
Check out my blog for more information: