How do I setup a signature select prompt when sending mail


Dinesh Perera


I need to programm Outlook 2003 in such way that it will prompt the user to
chose a signature from a list of signatures before it send the mail. This
action has to be triggered as soon as the user hit the send button.


Eric Legault [MVP - Outlook]

You can definitely do this. To hook into the Send event, see this article:

Eric Legault My Eggo : Getting a Handle on Your E-mails with VBA:

Getting specific signature text to insert can be achieved with this function
- replace the signature file name with one you know exists:

Function GetSignatureText() As String
Dim objFS As New Scripting.FileSystemObject, objTS As Scripting.TextStream
Dim objF As Scripting.Folder, strSysDrive As String
Dim strUserName As String, strSigText As String

Set objF = objFS.GetSpecialFolder(0)
strSysDrive = Left(objF, 1)
strUserName = FindUserName
Set objTS = objFS.OpenTextFile(strSysDrive & ":\Documents and Settings\"
& strUserName & "\Application Data\Microsoft\Signatures\Work.txt" _
, ForReading, False)
strSigText = objTS.ReadAll
End Function

But ultimately you need to parse out the uniquely named .rtf, .txt and .html
files in that folder to present the user with a list of signatures. Then
take the selection to call a modified function like the one above to return
the actual text. Then append that value to the MailItem.Body property.

Dinesh Perera

Hi Eric,

Thanks a lot for the help. I set the macro according to the article that you
mentioned bellow and now I can trigger functions as I want. I am midway
through setting the multuple signatures and getting a form to display the
list of signatures.

Thanks again for the help.

Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

That sounds like a different question. Please clarify what you're trying to do.


I'm trying to use the signature (if there are more than one) that was set as
default - I mean the one that is normally added to the message.

I believea good way out is to find out which of the signature files is the
newest one and to use it. I wrote the following code (basing on previous

Private Function GetSignatureText() As String
Dim objFSO As New FileSystemObject, objFTO As Scripting.TextStream
Set objFTO = objFSO.OpenTextFile(NewestSignatureFile, ForReading, False,
GetSignatureText = objFTO.ReadAll
End Function
Private Function NewestSignatureFile() As String 'finds the newest file
Dim q As Integer, strTempFileStore As String, intFileMod As Integer,
strAppUsName As String

strAppUsName = Application.UserName

With Application.FileSearch
.LookIn = "C:\Documents and Settings\" & strAppUsName &
"\Application Data\Microsoft\Signatures"
.Filename = "*.txt"
If .Execute > 0 Then

If .FoundFiles.Count = 1 Then
NewestSignatureFile = .FoundFiles(1)
Exit Function
End If

If .FoundFiles.Count > 1 Then
intFileMod = DateDiff("d", Date, FileDateTime(.FoundFiles(1)))
NewestSignatureFile = .FoundFiles(1)
For q = 1 To .FoundFiles.Count
If intFileMod < DateDiff("d", Date,
FileDateTime(.FoundFiles(q))) Then
intFileMod = DateDiff("d", Date,
NewestSignatureFile = .FoundFiles(q)
End If
Next q
End If
End If
End With

End Function

Is there a better way? A built-in method?

Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

There is no built-in method. I've done it by creating and displaying a new message, which will contain the user's default signature.

Remember that signatures exist in three files, for the three different mail formats.

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Microsoft Outlook 2007 Programming:
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