How do I setup criteria in DSUM to sum values NOT equal (<>)


Mark Rucker

I want to use DSUM on a data set. I want to sum values in a field where the
criteria is setup as NOT EQUAL rather than EQUALS. Like this:

Which would give me a sum of all values where field/column CRITERIA1 is not
equal to MAY2004. But I can't figure out how to get it to do this for me.

Debra Dalgleish

Does the Criteria1 column contain text, or dates formatted as mmmyyyy?
If it's text, your example should work.
If it's dates, you could enter a date in another cell, and refer to it,
e.g.: ="<>"&P1

Or, use two columns for the date in the criteria area, e.g.:

Criteria1 Criteria1

where P1 contains 5/1/05 and Q1 contains 5/31/05

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