how do I setup different users at sign-on?



I would like my children to sign in under their own names. Please tell me
how to setup..




Heavyn said:
I would like my children to sign in under their own names. Please tell me
how to setup..



You've posted a WINDOWS question in a Microsoft WORD group. Now why would
you do that?
Log on as an administrator (assuming Windows XP or 2k - which you omitted to
tell us) go to Control Panel-Users and set them up.
Help and Support is your friend. You did try that before posting?


In message (e-mail address removed),
Gordon said:
You've posted a WINDOWS question in a Microsoft WORD group. Now why
would you do that?
Log on as an administrator (assuming Windows XP or 2k - which you
omitted to tell us) go to Control Panel-Users and set them up.
Help and Support is your friend. You did try that before posting?

Wooah! Who got out of bed the wrong side today!! ;-)
Obviously by the nature of the question, the OP is probably a novice user,
cut them a bit of slack... eh?

Charlotte: As Gordon pointed out, you're more likely to get a better -and
more civil :) answer if you post your query to the correct group... maybe
somewhere like alt.os.windows2000 or microsoft.public.win2000.setup if you
are running windows 2000, or maybe microsoft.public.windowsxp.newusers if
you have Windows XP.
Also, the more information you give (eg name of operating system you are
using etc.) the better people will be able to help you.

Hope this helps.



In message (e-mail address removed),
Gordon said:
Come on, Windows...Word....not exactly the same don't you think?

No, not the same thing at all, but then again, if you are a bit new to all
this, Windows is made by Microsoft, and this group has Microsoft in the
name, so it must have somthing to do with it... :p

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