How do I setup email notifications from MS Project?




I am using MSP Standard 2003, and would like to be able to send email
notifications for upcoming tasks or late tasks.
How do I do this?
I hear Id need to create a Visual Basic Macro - does anyone have information
on this?

Alternatively, I hear that I need MS Server 2003.What is this - can I
upgrade from MS Standard to MS Server, or how do I install MS Server?
If there are say, 50 people on the project, shall they all also need MS
Server in order to receive email notifications?

Thanks in advance for any help on this,

Manmeet Chaudhari

Hi Elaine
Project Server is used for collaboration of all projects, resources and cost
across the organiztion.
It is a Project Management solution which requires the following software
1. Project Professional
2. Project Server
3. Project Web Access.

You cannot upgrade Project Standard to Project server.
It needs to be bought seperately.

All the Project Mangers (or any stakeholder which creates projects) will
need project professional.
Other users who will update activites or progress information or need to
view the status of project need only internet explorer.
Project server will be only one. Other users will connect to it.

Project standard that you are currently using is same as project
professional in terms of feature set available.However standard CANNOT
connect to server. The client has to specifically be Project Professional

Hope this helps

Manmeet Chaudhari

Once you configure Project Server email notification will automatically flow
for changes made to the project to the respective resources.
Also when resources update their activities Project Managers will be notified.
All these settings can be controlled at the Project Server level..

Manmeet Chaudhari


Hi Manmeet,

thanks for the feedback - I'm much clearer now on the difference between MSP
Standard and Server.

One further question:
since I'm using MSP Standard 2003, is there any way to configure email
notification of tasks?


Mike Glen

Hi Elaine,

However, it is probably possible to do this with the use of vba code. You
could try posting on the developer newsgroup. Please see FAQ Item: 24.
Project Newsgroups. FAQs, companion products and other useful Project
information can be seen at this web address:

Mike Glen
Project MVP


Hi Elaine,

Yes you can enable workgroup messaging in Microsoft Project 2003 and set
collaboration to email. You will need to download and install an executable
file on both the Project Manager's machine as well as the resource's
machines. Please see the following knowledge base article for details.
Please also note that this is an unsupported feature in Project 2003.

Other Knowledge Base articles that may be helpful:
References Project 2002, but still applies to Project 2003 once the registry
edit and installation of the WGSetup.exe file is done.

I hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.


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