How do I show a chart from an access report in PowerPoint?



I would like to copy several charts that are gernerated by a report into a
PowerPoint slideshow on a weekly basis. When I open the chart from design
view I can copy it, but it only has the sample data. Is there a way?

Stephen Lebans

You could use the ReportUtilities on my site to save the original
Report(s) as a series of Enhanced Metafiles(EMF), one for each page of
the report. EMF's can be directly inserted into PP and are fully
scaleable/resolution independant.

Stephen Lebans
Access Code, Tips and Tricks
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Mark Moebes

Thanks, but I finally found in another thread that I needed to build my
charts on a form vice report. From the form design view the chart can be
copied as an object with the latest data and pasted right in to PowerPoint.
This way the chart can be manipulated on the slide.

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