How do I show current section number in a custom toolbar?


Dwayne Lusk

The Word status bar shows the section number based on cursor's current

How do I harness this bit of info for a custom toolbar?

There are no standard controls available from Word in the Customize

Right now all I can see to do is:

Create a macro that adds a button control to the toolbar everytime the
template is loaded. Then that button's caption would update everytime
the cursor moves.

Seems like overkill. All guidance/ideas greatly appreciated.


Word Heretic

G'day Dwayne Lusk <[email protected]>,

Your summary is correct - that is the way and it is overkill.

Steve Hudson
Word Heretic Sydney Australia
Tricky stuff with Word or words

Email: Steve at

Dwayne Lusk was spinning this yarn:

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