How do I show results of a calculated field on a protected form?


Roy Lehmann

On my form I have a numeric fill-in field for quantity ordered. How do I
show the results of multiplying this quantity by a fixed price?

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

Have another formfield on the document to contain the total set it to the
Calculation type and enter the necessary formula into the properties dialog.
Set the Calculate on Exit property for the Quantity formfield.

Hope this helps.

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Doug Robbins - Word MVP


Hi Roy,

If you've got your formfield's properties set to 'calculate on exit', you can use a formula field, coded along the lines of:
{=Text1*123.45 \# $,#0.00}
where 'Text1' is the name of the bookmark set by your formfield and '123.45' is the price. If you've got another formfield to
solicit the price, the coding might look like:
{=Text1*Text2 \# $,#0.00}
The '\# $,#0.00' at the end is a 'numeric picture switch', which formats the output - dollars and cents in this case, with a
thousands separator.

This approach gives less opportunity for problems than using another formfield to do the calculation.

FWIW, you can create the field braces (i.e. '{ }') by pressing Ctrl-F9, or you could use Insert|Field>= (Formula) - you can't simply
type them.


[MVP - Microsoft Word]

| On my form I have a numeric fill-in field for quantity ordered. How do I
| show the results of multiplying this quantity by a fixed price?

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