How do I show True as a value in Excel B2 if Cell B1 is bold?



I want to be able to determine whether the text in any given cell is bold,
and display that information as a true/false value in an adjoining cell.

Can you tell me how to accomplilsh this?


JE McGimpsey

One way:

Put this in a regular code module:

Public Function IsBold(rRng As Range) As Boolean
Dim rCell As Range
Dim bTemp As Boolean
If rRng.Count = 1 Then
IsBold = rRng.Font.Bold
bTemp = True
For Each rCell In rRng
bTemp = bTemp And rCell.Font.Bold
If Not bTemp Then Exit For
Next rCell
IsBold = bTemp
End If
End Function

Since changing format doesn't trigger a calculation, this can only be
guaranteed to be accurate after recalculating the sheet (and is the
reason for the Application.Volatile statement).

If you're not familiar with UDF's see

Bob Phillips

You can use a UDF

Function IsBold(rng As Range)
If rng.Count > 1 Then
IsBold = CVErr(xlErrRef)
IsBold = rng.Font.Bold
End If
End Function

and use like =IsBold(A1)

but it doesn't automatically upadte if the cell changes, you need to F9.


Bob Phillips

(remove nothere from email address if mailing direct)

Jim Thomlinson

The long and the short of it is that you can only sort of do this. It
requires a user defined function that only sort of does what you asked. The
problem is that changing a cell format does not re-caclulate the sheet. You
want is a formula to evaluate to True or False, but it won't recalc
automatically. Here is some code that you can put in the same place as you
would find a recorded macro.

Public Function IsBold(ByVal TargetCell As Range) As Boolean
IsBold = TargetCell.Font.Bold
End Function

In the cell that you want to evaluate to true or false type in the formula


This will return true or false depending on the font in A1. The problem
arises if the font in A1 is changed. The formula will not re-evaluate until a
calculation is run (press F9 to see what I mean)...

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