How do I shuffle a numbered list in Word?



I have a list of Latin Vocabulary which I want to shuffle using word. It is
currently a numbered list but I cannot find a way to reorder it.

Robert M. Franz (RMF)

Hello 04cah
I have a list of Latin Vocabulary which I want to shuffle using word. It is
currently a numbered list but I cannot find a way to reorder it.

Word isn't all too well suited for that. You could do it with a dose of
VBA, but it's simpler to copy the list into Excel, create a random seed
in a new column, and order by that seed.



If I understand correctly, you want to rearrange the list of terms & have
the numbering stay with the term. IOW, the numbers will *not* be in order
after 'shuffling'.

There are 2 options I can think of, both of which require that you *not* use
the auto-numbering feature - it is a formatting tool, sequential by

1- If you turn off automatic numbered lists you can assign any number as you
type the term. You can then select any paragraph (number + term) and drag it
to any other position in the list.

2- Use a 2-column table with the numbers in col. 1, the terms in col. 2
(turn off the borders if you don't want them to show). You can also
rearrange the order of the rows as you prefer.

Either option will also permit use of the Table>Sort feature for ascending
or descending order based on the content of either column (field), but there
is no built-in feature to 'randomize' the order... You'll have to do that
yourself if that is what you're getting at.

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

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