How do I sort column changes in different worksheet?



I have a large database in a spreadsheet. There is a list of financial
professionals and thier firms. For every change in the firm I want to create
a separate worksheet. Which function allows me to do so, rather than copy

Bob Bridges

You cannot create a new worksheet by use of a worksheet function alone;
for that you need to get into VBA. If you're willing to tackle writing a
in VBA/Excel, try re-asking the question in the Excel Programming forum.

Bernie Deitrick

There are three basic ways of presenting the data that you want:

1) the best solution: use only one sheet, and apply data filters - removes chance for errors,
easiest to use and maintain
2) use a separate sheet for the report, and extract the data using formulas that are complicated and
difficult to design and maintain
3) use a macro to apply the filters, then copy the visible data to separate sheets - results in data
in two places, making maintenance a nightmare, increasing the chance of error

1) requires no extra help,
2) should not be pursued
3) has macro examples all over the web

MS Excel MVP

Ashish Mathur


There is yet another way using pivot tables. Create a pivot table with the
firm name in the Page field. Now while anywhere inside the pivot table,
click on Show pages (will be somewhere in the pivot table toolbar). Hope
this helps.


Ashish Mathur
Microsoft Excel MVP

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