How do I sort messages by email address (not display name)?


Constant User

When I sort messages by sender/recipient in any folder, messages from the
same email address can end up in several different places depending on the
"display name" used on the particular message. The display name can come
from my address book, their message, or a direct entry of the email address
itself. I want all the messages from/to a specific address to sort together
regardless of the display name.


display name = friendly name
email address = un-friendly name
BG runs a Friendly Company.

Brian Tillman

Constant User said:
When I sort messages by sender/recipient in any folder, messages from
the same email address can end up in several different places
depending on the "display name" used on the particular message. The
display name can come from my address book, their message, or a
direct entry of the email address itself. I want all the messages
from/to a specific address to sort together regardless of the display

You have no control over what your senders use as their display name.
There's no way to get Outlook to disregard the display name.

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