DeeW said:
Several of the tasks in my Home Remodeling project have fixed appointment
times associated with them, such as Landscape Designer Interview Appointment,
Interior Designer Interview Appointment. How do I enter fixed time info in
Even though the default display for the Start and Finish fields do not
show a time, you can change that under Tools/Options/View tab. Select a
date format that includes the time. If you are entering the appointment
date in your plan, include the time.
For your reference, normally dates should never be entered directly into
the Start and/or FInish fields. Doing so sets a constraint and
effectively defeats Project's scheduling algorithm. Hopefully you will
only have a few "appointments" that are part of your schedule. If you
have many appointments and you want to include the time, my personal
view is that you are putting too much detail into your remodeling plan.
Construction projects by their very nature are extremely dynamic. Trying
to "fix" a remodeling schedule down to the minute will be frustrating.
You might want to instead consider using the Notes field for annotating
special appointments and only showing the main effort (i.e. actual
construction) tasks on the schedule.
Hope this helps.
Project MVP