how do i split a cell that contains dd/mm/yy into a 3 separate cel



I have a column that contains a list of paid invoices and the payment date is
showing as dd/mm/yy. I need to do a pivot by month. How do I change my cell
from the current format so the month is shown in one cell and the year in the
next cell?

Kevin B

This extracts the year from a date

This extracts the month from a date


And just in case, this extract the day


Ron Coderre

Start by building your Pivot Table using the DATE field.

Then, assuming the DATE is a ROW field in the Pivot Table
Right-Click on the DATE field....Select: Group and Show Detail.....Group
Click on Months....Click on Years....Click [OK]

That will display those 2 fields, instead of the dates.

Is that something you can work with?


Ron (XL2003, Win XP)
Microsoft MVP (Excel)

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