It depends. How is the data structured?
If it is ALWAYS (no deviation allowed)
a name followed by a space followed by a code followed by a space followed
by the remainder then.
The following may work. Done off the top of my head, so there could be errors
in the logic or syntax errors - unmatched parentheses. Play around with this
until you get it to work.
Part1: Trim(Left(TheText,Instr(1,TheText," ")))
Part2: Mid(TheText, Instr(1,TheText," ")+1, Instr(Instr(1,TheText,"
")+1,TheText," ")-Instr(1,TheText," ")))
Part3: Trim(Mid(TheText,Instr(Instr(1,TheText," ")+1,TheText," ")))
John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2008
The Hilltop Institute
University of Maryland Baltimore County