How do I start a Spread sheet 4 calculations



I am very new to computers. People at this school I went to for Asbestos
counting say that they never do any mathmatical calculations because they
just enter the info into a spread sheet and it does it for them. What is this
and how do I start this "spread sheet" so I can stop doing the math long
hand. The class was in California and now I am in Oregon so I can't ask them.

Dawn Crosier, Word MVP

Look for a program on your computer called Excel.

The data is typed into the cells "boxes" on the screen and then
functions are created which perform the calculations.

If you have questions regarding the program Excel, that you post them at

Dawn Crosier
Microsoft MVP
"Education Lasts a Lifetime"
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I am very new to computers. People at this school I went to for Asbestos
counting say that they never do any mathmatical calculations because they
just enter the info into a spread sheet and it does it for them. What is this
and how do I start this "spread sheet" so I can stop doing the math long
hand. The class was in California and now I am in Oregon so I can't ask them.

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