Hi, just had to do this yesterday so that I could archive some compacted
records. It's scary so do it on a copy of your db first and, when you are
sure it is OK, then rename the copy (while still keeping the original just
in case: The instructions in the MS website misses out an important stage.
Note: Do not do this if your Autonumber field is the Foreign Key Field in
another table or you will really mess up your DB
1. Open the Relationships window and note which fields are joined to your
table as Foreign key Fields. Ensure that it is not joined to another table.
2. Note which fields in your table are required fields
3. Copy Paste your table twice with only the Structure (no data) Call
them TblTemp1 & TblTemp2
4. in TblTemp1 change the Autonumber datatype to a Long Integer Number
5. Type in 1 record with the number before you want the Autonumber to
start eg 99 if you want the AN to start at 100 adding dummy data to the
required fields.
6. Add all the fields in TblTemp1 to a Query
7. Choose to Append to TblTemp2
8. Because TblTemp2 is empty and you are appending, this will work and
the Autonumber field will be set to 99
9. Delete the 1 record from TblTemp2
10. *Do not Compact until you have done the following*
11. Append all your data from your real table to TblTemp2 *except
the Autonumber field*
12. Note the exact name of your real table
13. Delete your real table
14. Rename TblTemp2 to the same name that your real table had.
16. Rejoin fields in the Relationships window