How do I stop an animation for an animated object?



I downlaoded an animated object from microsoft website. I am trying to stop
the animation after like 5 seconds or even remove it for that object. The
problem is that when I click the custom animation tab, it doesn't display the
already existing animation option for that object which was already
downloaded with it. I know how to stop or remove an animation of my creation
but I am having troubles with already animated objects.

Kathy Jacobs

It sounds like what you downloaded is an animated gif. In order to change
the number of iterations on the gif, you will need to edit it with a program
that creates animated gifs, not with PPT.

But - all is not lost. If you take a screen shot of the animated gif when it
is still (say - while being viewed in edit mode), then add that to your
slide, you can fake what you want. After you add the picture of the gif to
your slide, set up an exit animation for the animated gif of disappear and
an entrance animation for the non-animated one. Set both animations to
happen at the time you want (5 seconds after the animated gif appears), and
set them to occur together. This should give you the effect you are looking
for without the audience knowing things even changed.

Kathryn Jacobs, Microsoft MVP PowerPoint and OneNote
Author of Kathy Jacobs on PowerPoint - Available now from Holy Macro! Books
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if we live without making a difference, it makes no difference that we lived

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