How do I stop getting symbols when printing envelopes in Word 2007



I have just got several lines of symbols when I printed an envelope (after
highlighting the address in a letter, using 'mailings - envelopes' I have
found that if I go into options from that menu and change the delivery
address font to something like Arial, my envelope prints OK. I also selected
the option to make this font the default font for envelopes but it doesn't
work a when I go into another document and do an envelope it's back to
symbols again. I didn't have this problem when using an earlier version of
Word. What can I do? Surely I don't have to go through this ritual for
every envelope?

Cindy M.

Hi =?Utf-8?B?U29uaWFD?=,
I have just got several lines of symbols when I printed an envelope (after
highlighting the address in a letter, using 'mailings - envelopes' I have
found that if I go into options from that menu and change the delivery
address font to something like Arial, my envelope prints OK. I also selected
the option to make this font the default font for envelopes but it doesn't
work a when I go into another document and do an envelope it's back to
symbols again. I didn't have this problem when using an earlier version of
Word. What can I do? Surely I don't have to go through this ritual for
every envelope?
With which font is the text you're selecting formatted?

On the off-chance it's a display problem with the dialog box, if you choose to
add the envelope to the document (rather than printing it out directly), is the
address still symbols on the envelope "page"? Or is it a readable font? With
which style is the address formatted? (Click in the address, then from the
"Home" tab, click the dialog launcher at the bottom right of the Styles group,
then scroll down until you find the selected style name.) On my machine it's
"Envelope address".

You can change the font used for envelopes by changing this style's definition,
then saving the change back to the Normal template. Place the mouse over the
style name in the Styles pane - an dropdown arrow should appear. Click the arrow
and choose "Modify" from the menu. Make the changes, then be sure to activate
"New documents based on this template" before clicking OK.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 17 2005)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question or reply
in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)


I rec'd a notification today (7 June) to say someone had replied to my
question but I can't see the answer - still just shows my original post.
What has happened?

Suzanne S. Barnhill

You won't see this either, most likely. The Web Communities (where most
questions are posted) are currently not synching with Usenet (NNTP), where
most answers are posted.

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