How do I stop uncontrolled scrolling?



Regardless of whether I'm in Word, Excel, or on the internet, my pages scroll
wildly. I've adjusted my mouse countless times, as per Microsoft's
suggestion and this does nothing at all. I can't even get the word
"scrolling" to show up when I ask for help. I am not a new used, but I've
bought two new laptops in the past several months and both of them do the
same things. I'm so frustrated that I sometimes have to put my work down and
go away from it to get calm.

How do I get some control over this wild scrolling? Anybody bump into this?


Avoid brushing your touchpad? Can you turn down its sensitivity in the
computer hardware controls, or disconnect it when a mouse is plugged


Miriam613 said:
Regardless of whether I'm in Word, Excel, or on the internet, my pages scroll
wildly. I've adjusted my mouse countless times, as per Microsoft's
suggestion and this does nothing at all. I can't even get the word
"scrolling" to show up when I ask for help. I am not a new used, but I've
bought two new laptops in the past several months and both of them do the
same things. I'm so frustrated that I sometimes have to put my work down and
go away from it to get calm.

How do I get some control over this wild scrolling? Anybody bump into this?


I've had the same problem on a desktop with both a USB mouse and a Bluetooth
mouse. With the USB mouse sometimes just unplugging it and then plugging it
into a different USB port would make it stop, however it would occur again at
some point. Then the problem got really bad with the Bluetooth mouse (after
months of use with no problems) so I uninstalled the Bluetooth and
reinstalled the corded mouse. Problem persists sporadically. Googled
"uncontrolled scrolling" but didn't find any definitive answers.

Called local computer repair shop and he had no answers either. The
scrolling happens in my browser, in programs, and in folders with no programs
open. Surely someone out there knows what causes this and what can be done
about it.

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