How do I stop Word from "reinstalling" fonts?



I like to run my system with very few fonts installed.

I recently installed Word. Afterwards I removed most of the
MS-installed fonts from my User/Library folder. However, when I open
Word again it "rebuilds" or reinstalls the fonts.

How can I stop it from doing this?

What MS fonts absolutely must be installed in order for Word to run?


Michel Bintener

Try googling the group. I think I remember there is a Korean or Asian
something hardwired in as a bell-wether. If Word finds that in your
fonts library it won't go shopping for the lot.

If you are on Office 2004, make sure you have the unicode versions of
Arial and TNR etc that come with it. The ones from v.X are not good to
you, even though they have the same name.

Here's a list that was posted some time ago by a Microsoft employee; make
sure you don't disable/delete any of these fonts:

Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro W3
Lucida Grande
MS PMincho
MS Gothic
MS Mincho
MS Pgothic
MT Extra
Times New Roman

Chris Ridd

Try googling the group. I think I remember there is a Korean or Asian
something hardwired in as a bell-wether. If Word finds that in your
fonts library it won't go shopping for the lot.

If you are on Office 2004, make sure you have the unicode versions of
Arial and TNR etc that come with it. The ones from v.X are not good to
you, even though they have the same name.

Also, the various parts of Office look for a file called "Do Fonts" inside
/Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Office/ before deciding to copy fonts.
Just rename it to "Don't Do Fonts" (or something) and it'll never try
copying them again.




The fonts that come with microsoft are manatory and cannot be removed
as the software needs them all to function properly. If your remove
the functionality the software cannot be guaranteed


The fonts that come with microsoft are manatory and cannot be removed
as the software needs them all to function properly. If your remove
the functionality the software cannot be guaranteed

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