How do I store email messages on a server drive?



This is my first time on one of these community discussions.
I work for a major Telecoms company in Sydney, Australia. I work in an area
processing customer orders. We have a shared storage area on a remote server
where we store customer data (spreadsheets, order forms, contracts, etc.) in
a directory and sub directories for each customer.
The problem we have is one I've encountered in every company I've worked
with where the same or similar archiving process is followed. When we
copy/move our email messages to the relevant customer directory we frequently
have more than one message with the same subject heading due to multiple
conversations. We want to keep each of these emails unchanged but as we move
them the titles get incremental numbers added - (1), then (2) etc, not
necessarily in the order of the discussions. Also the system will sometimes
attempt to overwrite one message with another where the subject heading is
the same but a newer date is indicated.
We need to move these messages into the remote server archive area without
any of these actions occuring (numbering, overwriting, etc.)
Alternatively, is there a small app (MS or 3rd party) we can download that
will allow us to archive without encountering what I've descibed? Our systems
obviously requires Administrator Access for any installation so whatever app
is suggested will have to be something that does not interfere or have any
impact to PC or network settings, and would be acceptable to our IT
department before it could be implemented.
My query above is on my own initiative as I haven't discussed with the IT
people yet.
The preferred route would be to not to have to install any apps but if
that's the only option than any suggestions I could put to our IT team would
be appreciated.
Many thanks. :)

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