How do I style text on active graphics?



I am using a theme on my site and have chosen to implement a vertical
navigation link bar based on my site's structure. For my theme I am using the
active graphics option and have chosen the pictures I want to appear on my
vertical link bar.

I would like to know how I can style just the text that FP2003 writes on top
of those active graphics. I want to be able to specify a different text style
for the following:


Is this possible? I believe it is but I do not understand where to find the
option to style the text that is written onto my active graphics. Any help is
very much appreciated!!


Thomas A. Rowe

You would have to modify the theme, however I don't think it is possible set a specific for
different states of the navigation text.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.


How would I modify it though? I know that FrontPage is generating the .CSS
for me somewhere, but how do I get at it so that I can modify it to my
perference for the link text? Surely there has to be a way to do this -
otherwise how would there be various themes where the text on the links are
different color/font at various states like active, visited and on hover.
This is getting frustrating and I need to get this figured out for a project
I am doing for work, so if you have ANY other suggestions at all please let
me hear them and I will be happy to try!

Thank You!

Thomas A. Rowe

You will see the option to modify the theme, under Format | Theme. After modify the theme you must
save it under a new name, remove the current theme, then apply you modified theme.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.


Ok, there is no need for any further replies. I believe that I have figured
out what to do. I forgot that I had an external style sheet linked to the
page I was working with and that apparently was interfering with the theme
that I was trying to implement for the vertical navigation.

Although, if you know of any way for me to go into the theme that FrontPage
is creating for me so that I can manually tweak the styles I am having it
create that would be excellent!

Thank You!

E. T. Culling

Remember that the proper order is:
You'll probably want to define all 4 when you find where to do it. TopStyle
has the capacity to find the CSS file for a page. If you don't have it send
me the URL for the page and I can try.

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