How do I sum values returned from functions?


Duff Divot

I am setting up a simple golf scorecard and assigning "points" to pars,
birdies, etc. in an effort to pair players in a partnership competition based
on recent performance. One of the functions to assign points is
=IF(B3=4,"2",IF(B3=3,"3",IF(B3=2,"4",IF(B3=5,"1",IF(B3>5,"0"))))). I want to
total the points assigned for each hole but I am unable to do so with the SUM
function, it just returns "0". I read in the "Help" somewhere that it ignores
values returned from functions. Is there a way to override this and get the
function to read the values? I have never built a Macro but would that be a
solution? I want to retain the worksheet as a template so I would like to be
able to have it perform the functions without rebuilding the worksheet.
Thanks for any suggestions.
Duff Divot


Take the quotation marks out of your formula and it will SUM. They turned
the results into TEXT, which will not SUM.
Use this....


Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3

Duff Divot

That was easy, I guess I was looking for a difficult answer. Thanks to you
for helping me out. It usually takes an independent set of eyes to see the
obvious. Thanks again.

Ken Wright



Ken....................... Microsoft MVP - Excel
Sys Spec - Win XP Pro / XL 97/00/02/03

It's easier to beg forgiveness than ask permission :)

Ken Wright

Assuming B3 can't be less than 0 of course, though that can also be catered


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