How do i synchronize One Note on two computers?



I have a home computer and a laptop...and would like to synchronize my they are the same on both machines. I've attempted using a shared
network file...and end up with Side Notes1...and Side Notes2 sections. Any
ideas would be appreciated. Thanks

Ben M. Schorr - MVP Outlook/OneNote

I have a home computer and a laptop...and would like to synchronize my they are the same on both machines. I've attempted using a
shared network file...and end up with Side Notes1...and Side Notes2
sections. Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks

Couple of ways you can do it - you can just copy the My Notebook folder
back and forth as desired. Or you can put the My Notebook folder on a
common storage device like a flash drive or network drive and access it
from both.


Ben M. Schorr, OneNote-MVP
Stockholm Consulting Group/KSG
Microsoft OneNote FAQ:

**I apologize but I am unable to respond to direct requests for
assistance. Please post questions and replies here in the newsgroup.

Couple of ways you can do it - you can just copy the My Notebook folder
back and forth as desired.

Is there an application that will "SYNCH" in both directions ? Which
Synchronizing app would be good at this ?

ViceVersa ?

Any Suggestions ?

Erik Sojka (MVP)

Use Windows' built-in Offline Files feature.

- Keep the files on ComputerA.
- Share out the folder on ComputerA where the "My Notebook" files are
stored. - Map a drive from ComputerB to the Shared directory on
ComputerA. - Set that mapped folder to "Make Available Offline".

I'm not sure what your level of Windows networking expertise is, so I"ve
kept the above steps purposely vague; If you need more assistance on
sharing a folder, mapping a drive, etc. ask a follow-up question here.

(e-mail address removed) ( wrote in

Michael D. Adams said:
Is there an application that will "SYNCH" in both directions ? Which
Synchronizing app would be good at this ?

If I'm not mistaken, a true, full-functioned synch app for OneNote, one
that would be smart enough to merge changes made in a particular .one
file across two computers, doesn't exist.

What I do is have certain .one files I use primarily on my desktop, and
certain .one files I use primarily on my tablet. (E.g., I have a
"(e-mail address removed)" and a "(e-mail address removed)" in My Notebook).

From there you can use a generic file synchronization program (I like
unison, myself) to keep My Notebook synchronized across the two
computers. Care has to be taken to make sure you aren't making changes
in the same file on both computers, but with a little practice and
configuration it's doable.

I'd prefer to have a true sync or merge program, especially one that can
be run from a DOS prompt...but this is better than nothing.


Is there an application that will "SYNCH" in both directions ? Which
Synchronizing app would be good at this ?

ViceVersa ?

Any Suggest

try Super Flexible File Synchronizer. Despite the name, it's a decent app :)

=?Utf-8?B?YXZhbG9uNDI1MQ==?= said:
I have a home computer and a laptop...and would like to synchronize my they are the same on both machines. I've attempted using a shared
network file...and end up with Side Notes1...and Side Notes2 sections. Any
ideas would be appreciated. Thanks

Demonstrates a way to synching between a laptop and a desktop with My Briefcase.

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