How do I syncronize my laptop and PC one note?



I would like to know if there is anyway to syncronize my laptop and my work
PC with my notes.


If both your desktop and laptop have a network connection at work you could
use the "Make Files Available Offline" function of windows. For more info on
this just type "Offline" in the Help area of windows. If you do not have a
network connection for both systems, try using the Briefcase Function of
Windows along with a USB Jump Drive. This will let you take the Jump Drive
from one computer to the other and allows you to syncronize so you are always
working with the most up-to-date files. More info on this is also in the Help
area of Windows.

Steve Silverwood

Ditto. I have an external hard drive that I use to keep my backups, and
data that I move from one computer to another. I have a "folder pair"
for OneNote set up on my work computer, and one on my home computer,
both of which sync with the OneNote backup folder on my external drive.
At the end of the day at work, I run SyncToy to sync the several folders
that I keep backed up, then head home. When I get home, I run SyncToy
to sync the data on my external hard drive with my home PC to bring that
data up to date, then the next morning I sync again before leaving for
work, and sync at work to bring the work system up to date.

One of the advantages that SyncToy has over something like LapLink is
that it also handles deletions of files and folders. For example, if I
have a folder in OneNote at work that has half a dozen sections in it,
and in that folder I delete one section and three pages in another
section, when I use SyncToy it mirrors that deletion in the OneNote
folder on the external drive. Then when I get home and sync that
system, the affected items on my home system are also deleted to mirror
that change. Backup or LapLink would have copied over changed data, but
it would not have deleted information unless I used LapLink's replicate
mode, or if I had deleted all the data on the target system first.

Give Synctoy a try, you'll see what I mean. It's a pretty slick tool!


-- //Steve//

Steve Silverwood, KB6OJS
Fountain Valley, CA
Email: (e-mail address removed)

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