How do I temporarily disable hyperlinks in an excel sheet?



I have a lot of hyperlinks in my excel sheet. I need those link, but I really
wish they wouldn't open the second I click on them. Is there anyway to disble
them temporarily or at least make it so I have to ctrl+click?
I have excel 2000.

Gary''s Student

This technique will work if your hyperlinks were implemented using the
=HYPERLINK() function. Run this first macro:

Sub stopum()
dq = Chr(39)
For Each r In ActiveSheet.UsedRange
v = r.Formula
If Left(v, 6) = "=HYPER" Then
MsgBox (r.Address)
r.Formula = dq & v
End If
End Sub

This will convert all the hyperlinks into text. To return to "active"
hyperlinks, run the second macro:

Sub startum()
dq = Chr(39)
For Each r In ActiveSheet.UsedRange
v = r.Formula
If Left(v, 6) = "=HYPER" Then
r.Formula = r.Formula
End If
End Sub

This method will NOT work if your hyperlinks were implemented using:
Insert > Hyperlink

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