how do i transfer a partially built website from another program



I am trying to build a website for my sons school project. When i started i
did not have access to Frontpage and would like to know if it is possible to
move the work we have done from Blue Voda to Frontpage 2003. Using Frontpage
is a requirement of the assignment. Any help much appreciated. Thanks

Stefan B Rusynko

Don't know Blue Voda, but if it is just html pages and images in a folder either
Open a New web and File Import them, or put them in a folder and browse to that folder in FP using File Open site (FP will convert
the folder to a web)

|I am trying to build a website for my sons school project. When i started i
| did not have access to Frontpage and would like to know if it is possible to
| move the work we have done from Blue Voda to Frontpage 2003. Using Frontpage
| is a requirement of the assignment. Any help much appreciated. Thanks
| --
| Ekka@DeeWhy

Rob Giordano \(Crash\)

From what little I could read about Blue Voda, it requires that you have a
Voda Hosted web...but they offer FP extensions, so the easiest way to
transfer would be to have them enable FP extensions on your existing web (if
they aren't already). Then, Open Site "live" with FP and Publish to your
local harddrive. After that you should work on your local copy then Publish
to the server.

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