How do I transfer a picture from MS Word to a photoshop?

  • Thread starter soulmatecounterpoint
  • Start date


I have Microsoft Office 2003. I have received a document with photos pasted
to it. I want to print these photos as I would any other photos such as from
my digital camera. I have Adobe Photoshop Elements 4.0 also. I cannot figure
out how to transfer these pictures to where I can print them as I would a
photo, one at a time and enlarge or shrink as needed.


Save the document as a web page. The graphics get saved separately (in a
sub-folder at the somae location). Quality may be a bit dubious. If you can,
better to go back to the creator and ask for the originals.

Nick Hebb

The save as web page trick works OK for some pictures (as long as you
change the resolution on the print dialog Tools > Web Options dialog).
But for many pictures, the quality comes out poor. There is a trick
I've used, and I'd be curious to know whether it works for other people
as well.

1. Select the picture and Copy it.
2. Open a new (blank) document.
3. Paste Special with the format as Enhanced Metafile.
4. Copy the new picture.
5. Paste it into your image editor.

You might try this method and see if it works for you.


Nick Hebb
BreezeTree Software, LLC

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