How do I transfer email from laptop hard drive to my other compute



My laptop mother board fried. The hard drive is good. I put the HD in an
external box for the HD. I can access my document files etc. but can not
figure out how to transfer my email, contacts, calendar appointments etc. to
my other computer from the HD. I can't find a .pst file on that hard drive.


Brian, Thank you for the link to how to Outlook. This will be a very
valuable source for me. However, I still can't find the Outlook data file in
the location it should be. Does it end in .pst or some other file type? I
know it's there. How do I find it?

Brian Tillman

Mike said:
Brian, Thank you for the link to how to Outlook. This will be a very
valuable source for me. However, I still can't find the Outlook data
file in the location it should be. Does it end in .pst or some other
file type? I know it's there. How do I find it?

Open Windows Explorer and in the Address Bar enter

%UserProfile%\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook

for Windows XP and


for Vista. Click Go. "Local Settings" (on XP) and "Local" (on Vista)
folders are hidden folders. Unless you alter your Folder Options, you won't
see them ordinarily.

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