Very basically the format is Name = First name Last name in one
column, TelNr in the other column.
What I want sadly is Last Name in the first column...
I don't know how to do it, but is it possible to chop the name field
into 2 fields then transpose them then recombine them ?
Yes... but there are names for which this is a problem.
Janet Lee Keyser's first name is Janet Lee. Her last name is Keyser.
Karl van der Steen's first name is Karl. His last name is van der Steen.
Any records with three or more words in the name field WILL need special
processing, using a human brain. Even there, some names are ambiguous.
For the simple cases, you can use a calculated field for first and last names:
FirstName: Left([fullname], InStr([fullname], " ") - 1)
LastName: Mid([fullname], InStr([fullname], " ") + 1)
The InStr function finds the position of the first blank in the name (thereby
giving the wrong result for "Lee Keyser, Janet"!!!), and the Left and Mid
functions extract the appropriate substring.