How do I turn off Protection for ALL files?



Hi, gang,

Is there some way for me to turn off protection entirely via some setting in
Preferences or something? I'm getting really sick of having to right click
on each element and doing it one at a time. I'd like for Visio to remember
that I never want protection turned on at all for every new file I may create.



Mark Nelson [MS]

Which protection do you want to turn off? Are you talking about document
protection or the protection properties on shapes?

Mark Nelson
Office Graphics - Visio
Microsoft Corporation

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.


Hi, Mark,

I was referring to the shapes, so that every element is completely editable
in and of itself without my first having to right click, choose,
Format>Protection, etc.

Thanks for the help!

Mark Nelson [MS]

You could probably record a macro in Visio 2003 to do that.

Unfortunately it is impossible to know whether the shape protections are
essential to the function of the shape or whether the shape designer was
just being overly restrictive. Generally for Visio shapes, we only try to
set the minimum protections needed to make the shape function. If you are
encountering problems with specific shapes, please list their names and
stencils for us to review. Thanks!

Mark Nelson
Office Graphics - Visio
Microsoft Corporation

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.


What do you mean by protection. is it GUARD formula or document protection.
in the first case you must use VBA for iterate all shapes.
in the second case use the drawing explorer

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